Simply brilliant, Elizabeth.

Breathe deep, USA and seek peace.

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I hope we can, Prue. I know many are trying to do just that. Thank you for paying attention with us.

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Gosh when all is said and done, all people can do is be kind with each other.

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Bravo. So very true. I wish you all the very best. And us here in Australia too, because social media does its best to inflame the differences throughout the world. No matter what someone votes, they’re still that person in line, the one who helps out, who cares. May we find the common ground. Thanks so much. Sending hugs from afar.

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Yes, Beth, this is assuredly not just an American phenomenon, but as is true of many of our approaches, it seems we're doing it bigger! Grateful for your support.

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Ahhhh... Thank you. Calm people, please. ❤️🙏

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My sincere appreciation for that wish, Mary, and for you being part of this.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. May we all be able to heed the call of our best selves, in whatever ways we can. And there are still plenty of ways, I believe.

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I believe that, too, Stewart, and hope the ways reveal themselves abundantly and unexpectedly. Appreciate you!

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Thank you, Elizabeth. Yes, yes, and yes. Recognizing the humanity in each other, resisting the forces that pull us apart and divide us, finding common ground on which to move forward, and I would add, being willing and able to truly listen to each other, are what will save us.

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Real listening is one of our best lost arts, don't you think? And there is so much opportunity, now, to practice it. Thank you for your encouragement and engagement. It's good you're here.

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I believe what you write is true. What is disheartening is that the candidate who has been chosen has rhetoric and behavior so very far removed from our best selves. Even my young grandchildren know better. ... Seeking a peaceful heart this morning.

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I hope you found some peace today, Susan. My aim, admittedly a difficult target, is to stay true to the kind of kindness I want to see in the world, no matter what is modeled. I know you're seeking the same. Grateful we're both on the same path.

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Keep breathing

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An anchoring reminder, thank you.

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I guess by now you guys over there have your result. Just breathe deep and do what you can to make the world a better place, one thought at a time.

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The thing about thought-change is that it's often harder to see direct outcomes, but I have always believed in its efficacy. So appreciative of your support from where you are, June.

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I had talked myself into believing that, despite all of the divisions, we wouldn’t be so short-sighted as to elect a man of such character. There is clearly a higher level of dissatisfaction than I have been able to understand. And some of that comes from places that are puzzling to me. Maybe it is puzzling to me because, even though I think I have listened, I’ve been distracted by the extremist shouting, and have missed those quieter people who are desperate for some sort of change. It is comforting to read your writing this morning, and to be able to start processing things.

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I love this, Darrell, and have come back to it more than once already. It seems there is always a story beneath the story, and until we make time to build trust, we don't get to know what that is. Grateful to know you found comfort here today, and that you are here at all.

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“Teach your children well”

Our country has elected a person who is not a good role model. That says a lot. I’m devastated.

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Our teachers come in many forms. I'm sure you know this as well as anyone. Peace to you, Suzanne, and thank you for being part of this community.

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I am in the first quiet moment just after my loved one has gone on and left me. Deep breaths.

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Painfully beautiful, Deb. Many are breathing deeply right now, which has to be a good thing. I'm so glad you're here.

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Your kindness is most appreciated. Thank you for your words this morning. I’m grateful to have bumbled my way to you.

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Oh, me, too!

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On the money, Betsy. I wish I could tell everyone to calm down, but you do it so much more reasonably and well than I ever could. I am sharing your thoughts here to many people today. Thanks for taking the time to assess, and notice the good in our fellow citizens, above the polar division so prevalent at election times. Thinking of you today, also!

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Thank you, dear one. I know it is a tall order to expect that folks won't engage when a challenge is issued. But we've done remarkable things across history, so maybe we can find ways to respond differently. It's really good to know you're part of <<all this>>.

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Thank you Elizabeth. Perfect for this moment. Trying to breathe!

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We won't live long if we stop breathing! I'm honored to know you found value in this, Suzanne. Here's to noticing all the moments that give us what we need. Thanks for being here.

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I underestimated, once again, the depth of the bubble.... even today in the aftermath, it strikes me that I am only seeing from within the bubble because everywhere I look, I see fear, hurt, sadness, disappointment, disbelief.... I am left thinking, "everyone" feels this way today. But "everyone" doesn't. The map and numbers last night make that crystal clear. And so, once again, I am realizing the depths and dangers of the bubble.

I appreciate your post and the well-balanced nature of it, but I don't know that _everyone_ is after the same things, really. And I sincerely doubt those in all those rural areas across the country that tipped the scales are thinking today about our commonalities or that maybe they are wrong in their intolerance or disregard for anything beyond their conception of how things should work. I'm not sure I think some of those specific populations that are being viewed now as having made the difference are worried at all about "everyone." The vote, on so many levels, was against an "everyone" mindset, something that is crystal clear to a great number of groups of people with varying acronyms today who feel specifically targeted by what may be coming. That we can also include "women" in that same sentence.... is just too hard to grapple with as a reality and as a result of what more than half of the country want/believe/value.

I don't usually engage at all with political posts. All of this is really an off-the-cuff response to this moment -- and I know you are able to receive input from differing points of view because that is how we continue to process what it all means.

Something I did find interesting yesterday was looking at a site that let me see the distribution of red/blue outcomes over presidential elections through history.... I only scrolled back to the early 70s, but it was fascinating to see how that map has changed over time, completely flipflopping in many years.

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So grateful for your thoughtful response, Amy. I don't *know* much of anything these days, so that's the starting point here. You are absolutely right that those on opposing sides aren't exactly working toward inclusivity. I don't see much evidence of people actively seeking to uncover commonalities either. In maintaining that we are not as polarized as we imagine we are, I don't mean that people everywhere are thinking about what they have in common with their perceived out group. What seems to be true, though, and ironically, is that our core values, what we want for *ourselves*--things like voting rights, equal protection under the law, even the right to gun ownership and reproductive autonomy--appear to be very similar among the majority of those in the two main parties. The trouble is we all think the views of those on the extreme end of the opposite party (generally the loudest and most often repeated) are representative of the whole. That's where we are more aligned than we think. And boy are you right that our states flip flop. I hope there's hope in that! I appreciate you giving me the chance to continue exploring this topic. It's hefty and not going away anytime soon.

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I read this piece twice and sent the wisdom to my peeps; so well done.

Kamala herself said it after you did, we have much more in common than we are programmed to believe by the forces around us. Frustrating indeed. So many folks have even stopped greeting each other on the streets, a simple recognition of another soul; no great effort required. We must nourish each other and the ideas, ideals, we know are best. J

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Ah, Janice -- I've just returned from a work trip to see your comment. It means so much to know that you felt this was worth sharing. Whatever form the message takes, I hope more will find ways to pass it on. It is important work that seems to make the list of things to talk about less and less often. Peace to you!

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