Beautifully and conclusively stated. I totally agree.... I think love is more fun when you're always trying to find the rhythm of the dance..

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I probably should have given over a paragraph to ludus. Fun is essential, as is the ability to laugh at ourselves and admit when we've tripped over our own feet. Thanks, Barry!

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You have such a way with words Elizabeth. I’m amazed at how we were created with the ability to have emotions such as love…and how we carry that feeling in our heart when we lose someone that we were fortunate enough to have loved.

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It is one of our more impressive traits as a species, though I'm convinced we share the gift with more of the animal kingdom than many tend to believe. To love both what is here physically, and what is not, is a privilege, when we can move past the heartache. Thank you for the comment, Janet.

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Love-ly. So much to ponder: how did such a rich language collapse a nuanced phenomena into a single word, “love”?; is the capitalist system responsible for our fixation on Eros - the love that keeps and holds our attention the best, and keeps us buying (and scrolling)?; and how am I to best understand a marriage of 30 years?? I love the image of the welcome work of dancing. Thank you for inviting a recalibration of my thinking.

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Yes, there are several more potential essays waiting in the wings from this one. I can't answer any of these questions with confidence, but my guess is that none has the empirical data needed to "prove" anything one way or the other. Appreciate the thoughtfulness.

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Thank You!!


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And, you!! Hope all is well in your world.

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It was so perfectly timed my friend!

This was exactly what i needed to be reminded of and you've done it in a way that makes such sense and isn't quashing the concept of love...rather emracing it and giving us permission to mold all of our love together as appropriate or needed.

Keeping this in my [ocket for the months to come

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Molded love. Doesn't have quite the ring to it I was hoping for. :) So glad this resonated, Kate. You offer abundant wisdom and love to the world - it's good to know when it finds its way back to you. <3 (Psst: How's the shoulder?)

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Then I love that I've been fortunate enough to have an enduring love of 47 years. It's built on deeply entrenched affection and respect. In the beginning it was bells and whistles in the starry heavens but now we just skim along the Milky Way together, arm in arm and content in each other's company. It's simply beautiful...

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Simply beautiful. That's about the best kind of beauty there is. Well done on your 47 years of togetherness, and thank you for sharing about it here.

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fascinating exploration of the word - that really gets tossed about quite a bit.

as always, a delightful read. thank you for sharing your words.

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Always appreciate your input, Roe. Thanks for chiming in.

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