Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

I loved this story the first time, and I'm so glad to have read it again. I hope you enjoy some quiet time to recover from your retreat!

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Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

LOVE....a great love story...Long live Snowy!

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Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

Aw, man. I'm going to like to think that Snowy felt she'd finally reached a pinnacle of experience, and there was no going up from there: In the warm house, with her people. Given that all loves have to come to an end, this is about the best you can hope for, a true ending on a high note ending.

Luckily, all work retreats come to an end, too. I've never experienced the kind you describe--which, honestly, sound better than any education conference I ever attended (one time, early in my career, I actually had to share a bed with a colleague!)--but it sounds exhausting. No amount of beautiful snow scenery can make up for so much fraught peopling. (I don't care how much you like, respect, etc. your colleagues; it's always fraught because you can never really be fully your true self.) Thanks for keeping it real and digging deep (into the archives) to give us something wonderful on this February Wednesday.

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Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

What a beautiful story...what a beautiful message, messenger (you!)

I vote for "mind-mining intensive." Truth in advertising. Welcome back! I hope you give yourself time to rest and refuel.

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Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

Thank you for this lovely piece!

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Feb 14Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

Heart-melting, lovely girl...

Rest up. We'll all be here as per.

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Feb 15Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

I believe that animals come into our lives at the right time and for the right reasons, as do people. Loved the love story of Snowy and your family!

Rest easy and deep,Elizabeth. We'll all be holding you up and waiting for your next piece of soulwork!

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This is the most glorious love story, Elizabeth - it's absolutely beautiful. It's so special when we get to share our lives with friends like Snowy, isn't it? A goosepimpler of a post! ❤️🐓⭐️

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