Apr 24Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

A subtle message wrapped up in double ply... the whisper of butterfly wings, the softness of an angel's touch. There's never a post of yours that's not a keeper. Thank you.

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Apr 24Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

Yes! I’ve been thinking often lately first mind-scrambling months of the pandemic—the fear, the obsession with toilet paper and disinfectant wipes, the sudden loss of everything that held the world together. Except flashes of kindness like the one you bring to life here.

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“. . . the most dreadful excuse for toilet paper ever created . . . “

Not to detract from the inadequacy of Scott tp, but I know a thing or two about dreadful tp. There were places where it was cheaper to simply use the local currency. But in one country where we lived for quite awhile, they sold a locally produced bog roll we called John Wayne brand. It was similar to newspaper, except not as refined. Menacing individual splinters from the trees used to make it were visible and it had a hard, unyielding feel to it. Why John Wayne brand? Because it was rough, it was tough, and it wouldn’t take crap off nobody.

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Apr 24Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

And you, please, must keep writing, too.

Yesterday morning I was prompted by a guided meditation to choose an intention for the day and I chose “generosity.” I did nothing extraordinary or particularly self-sacrificing with my usual day - but my attitude about everything was softened - to give, to help, to smile, to slow down & be generous to myself & the beings around me. And in this, I truly saw generosity in others through my day, kindnesses which have been there all along in all those small ways. Thanks for continuing my awareness of them & the potential for them in myself.

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Apr 24Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

I do my traveling in a wheelchair, and I find angels everywhere I go. I am a lucky woman.

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Forever keeping each other showing up. Across the Atlantic 🤎✍️

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Apr 24·edited Apr 25Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

You've just shown, yet again, that you should definitely keep writing!

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Apr 24Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

Just lovely writing, as I've come to expect. I try to be that person here, with other writers. When someone writes something that moves me in some way, I let them know it. It's so easy to do, why wouldn't we? Most of the writers I read here are like me--writing for free, writing only because it's part of who we are. Our payment comes from connection, from knowing that our words meant something to a reader. From now on I think I might think of myself as a writer's angel. 😇

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I love those everyday miracles when they happen. At the time, they are the thing we need the most - and I think if we don't cherish those - how can we value the big things....

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Apr 25Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

I know your ultimate point is that the point isn’t the noticing of these moments of randomness or coincidence or serendipity, but I do love noticing them and wondering about them. I love the spirit behind your post….the positivity in this call to take on this role. (I was also glad when it became clear this was in the past. I had a moment of thinking suddenly you were facing this now!)

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Apr 25Liked by Elizabeth Beggins

And you my friend must also keep writing! I don’t always comment but I look forward to each and every writing and like to savor it either in the morning with coffee, or a quiet time at night. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your gift!!😘

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Oh! Never would I have thought that a post about loo roll would give me the feels quite like it has, Elizabeth. Such a beautiful message in your words, especially these ones, which I’ve just written in my journal with your name next to them:

“The point isn’t to look for the angels and the light they shine. The point is to be one.”


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